Work Package 1 is related to project management and Work Package 5 to dissemination.
The technical content of the remaining Work Packages is as follows:
WP2: Identification of noise emission levels for electric vehicles. This work package will:
- Identify the sound power emissions (propulsion noise and rolling noise) for electric and hybrid-electric vehicles (cars to vans and 7.5t trucks) under controlled operating conditions
- Include the effects of added alert sounds on electric vehicles
- Derive new source description terms for electric vehicles for use within the CNOSSOS-EU noise model, ensuring consistency with existing terms
- Address the perception of electric vehicle noise characteristics (including the impacts of added alert sounds) by residents and drivers under real-world operation
WP3: Impact of low-noise tyres on electric vehicle noise emission. This work package will:
- Investigate the noise performance of tyres which are/will be used for electric vehicles
- Analyse the link between tyre type approval testing and the CNOSSOS-EU model
- Model the tyre/road noise of electric vehicles for different tyre configurations
WP4: Estimation of the potential noise impacts of electric vehicles. This work package will:
- To assess the potential future noise impacts (Lden) of hybrid-electric and electric vehicles on NRA road networks taking into account different fleet compositions and take-up, based on output from Work Package 2
- To assess the potential scale of annoyance to residents of hybrid-electric and electric vehicles on NRA road networks, based on output from Work Package 2